Leaders at every level of experience grow when they have the time and space to reflect meaningfully on their development. Coaching at the individual and organizational levels provides a powerful opportunity for that reflection. 


PAR for the People - participatory action research

PAR training with BEAT Global

Participatory Action Research (or PAR for short) is a powerful way to engage people who are the most impacted by an experience in the research, decision making, and action forming in response to that experience. PAR is used for program assessment, social action, and professional development - making it a powerful tool for many different groups. Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) is a highly effective way to engage young people in making identifying issues and making change in the world around them.


Transform Your Team - organizational CAPACITY BUILDING

Arts for Social Change training with El Puente CADRE (Community Artists Development and Resource Exchange)

Learning and development are lifelong pursuits, and organizations that thrive are learning organizations. From organization-wide strategic planning and visioning to program level training and technical assistance, training and development can level up your entire team.